Seth Godin’s Tribes and Why The World Needs Personal Branding

This post was initially posted on Personal Branding Blog.

My introduction to Tribes

I was at my desk a few months back, when the CEO of my company sent an email saying that he was purchasing a copy of Seth Godin’s Tribes for anyone in the company who wanted to read it. Given that it was Godin’s new book, I was extremely eager to get my hands on it.

In the book, Godin goes on to explain that the social media tools we have access to today, give people the ability to make a difference in their communities, workplaces, and the world. The book discusses how our world needs leaders now more than ever before, and explains how it’s easier now too.

The world does need leaders, and while Tribes does a great job at explaining why, I think it could have done a better job at explaining how to execute. Read the rest of this post on Personal Branding Blog.


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